詩 2019

생각나는 이웃집 아이/배 중진

배중진 2019. 6. 23. 02:46

생각나는 이웃집 아이/배 중진


천진난만하게 뛰놀던 아이에게 과연 무슨 일이 있었단 말인가


단독주택보다 약간 저렴한 아파트에 이사 온 이웃집

관리하기도 쉽고 문만 잠그고 나가면 그만인데


밑층 집에 아주 민감한 사람이 집에서 업무를 본다

낮에도 일하고 늦은 밤은 물론 새벽까지 

물불을 가리지 않고 일감이 있으면

밤을 새워 일을 마쳐야 하는데

위층에서 역시나 밤낮을 가리지 않고 뛰어다니는 아이가 있으니

맞장을 뜰 수도 없고 참아야 하니 얼마나 속이 터지겠는가


서신으로 밑에 층 사람의 심정을 호소하기도 하고

영국에서 온 교수님은 아이를 달래기도 하나

천방지축 날뛰는 아이를 당할 자는 아무도 없었다


카펫을 한 겹 더 깔고

천장에 방음장치를 더 붙여도

울림을 방지할 수는 없었던가 보다


일촉즉발 긴장이 감도는 아래윗집

어린아이의 건강이 이상하다 판단되어

병원을 들락날락하더니

4월 한국에 가 있는 동안에 

할아버지가 기거하시는 집으로 아이를 옮기고는

지금까지도 돌아오지 않는데

급기야는 집을 내놨다는 비보다


굳게 닫힌 문을 볼 때마다

항상 쾌활한 아이가 떠오른다

명절 때마다 선물을 주고받고 했는데

안타까운 이웃이 떠나려는가 보다

그 아이의 건강을 빌어본다

그러면서 성장하는 것이 아니겠는지


2020.05.13 07:48

요사이 Christian이 집에 들락날락하며 수선하고 있는데 아직 팔리지 않아 고충이
이만저만이 아니라고 함. 아이(Alexander)는 잘 커가고 있다는 반가운 소식.


5/21 누구 것인지는 모르지만 짐을 옮기느라 여러 명의 장정들이
땀을 뻘뻘 흘리고 있다. 매매가 이뤄졌지 싶고 이사 온 듯한 느낌이다.
오랫동안 좋은 이웃으로 같이 공존하길 자란다.


2019.07.01 22:02


건강이 최상의 이익이고
만족은 최상의 재산이며
신뢰는 최상의 인연(因緣)이라 합니다

그러나 마음의 평안보다
더 행복한 것은 없다 했습니다.


Countries Accepting The Most Refugees (And Where They’re Coming From)


2019.07.23 21:43

© Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images
The worldwide refugee crisis has worsened over the last five years. As of the end of 2018, there was a

“total population of concern” of 74.8 million people, comprising refugees, asylum seekers,

internally displaced persons, returnees and stateless persons, according to the UNHCR

(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), the UN’s refugee agency. That is an increase of

more than 74% since 2013. According to the UNHCR, one person becomes displaced every 2 seconds

somewhere in the world.


These displaced people have been forced to leave their homes as a result of war, persecution, violence,

or human rights violations. Of that number, 20.1 million people were considered refugees
Syria, ravaged by civil war since 2011, holds the dubious distinction of having the most displaced people

in the world, with 13 million people forcibly displaced as of the end of 2018, or more than half of that

nation’s population. Many of those displaced people have fled to neighboring nations such as Turkey and

Lebanon. Thousands, however, have gone to Germany, whose total refugee population has soared

more than fivefold since 2013.


In other parts of the world, developing nations with limited resources have become havens for refugees fleeing conflict. Uganda, ranked as the 15th poorest country on Earth in 2018, became home to more than 1 million refugees, many from South Sudan, where civil war has ravaged that country. Uganda has taken in the third most refugees of any country, according to UNHCR data, and its refugee population has soared over 400% since 2013.
In the United States, immigration has become a hot-button issue and one of the biggest news stories of the year. The country has taken in more than 313,000 refugees, placing America 17th in number of total refugees allowed in. The country sending the most refugees to the United States is China, with more than 77,000.


Continue reading>>
The worldwide refugee crisis has worsened over the last five years. As of the end of 2018, there was a “total population of concern” of 74.8 million people, comprising refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, returnees and stateless persons, according to the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), the UN’s refugee agency. That is an increase of more than 74% since 2013. According to the UNHCR, one person becomes displaced every 2 seconds somewhere in the world.
These displaced people have been forced to leave their homes as a result of war, persecution, violence, or human rights violations. Of that number, 20.1 million people were considered refugees
Syria, ravaged by civil war since 2011, holds the dubious distinction of having the most displaced people in the world, with 13 million people forcibly displaced as of the end of 2018, or more than half of that nation’s population. Many of those displaced people have fled to neighboring nations such as Turkey and Lebanon. Thousands, however, have gone to Germany, whose total refugee population has soared more than fivefold since 2013.
In other parts of the world, developing nations with limited resources have become havens for refugees fleeing conflict. Uganda, ranked as the 15th poorest country on Earth in 2018, became home to more than 1 million refugees, many from South Sudan, where civil war has ravaged that country. Uganda has taken in the third most refugees of any country, according to UNHCR data, and its refugee population has soared over 400% since 2013.
In the United States, immigration has become a hot-button issue and one of the biggest news stories of the year. The country has taken in more than 313,000 refugees, placing America 17th in number of total refugees allowed in. The country sending the most refugees to the United States is China, with more than 77,000.


© Paula Bronstein / Getty Images
18. South Sudan
> Total refugees as of 2018: 291,833
> Total population in 2018: 10,975,920
> Share of total population: 2.7%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 27.1%
> Largest source country: Sudan


© John Moore / Getty Images
17. United States
> Total refugees as of 2018: 313,182
> Total population in 2018: 327,167,434
> Share of total population: 0.1%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 18.8%
> Largest source country: China


© Photo by Betsy Joles / Getty Images
16. China
> Total refugees as of 2018: 321,733
> Total population in 2018: 1,392,730,000
> Share of total population: Less than 0.1%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 6.9%
> Largest source country: Viet Nam


© Carl Court / Getty Images
15. France
> Total refugees as of 2018: 368,305
> Total population in 2018: 66,987,244
> Share of total population: 0.5%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 58.4%
> Largest source country: Various/Unknown


© Marco Di Lauro / Getty Images
14. Cameroon
> Total refugees as of 2018: 380,307
> Total population in 2018: 25,216,237
> Share of total population: 1.5%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 231.4%
> Largest source country: Central African Rep.


© Oli Scarff / Getty Images
13. Kenya
> Total refugees as of 2018: 421,228
> Total population in 2018: 51,393,010
> Share of total population: 0.8%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: -21.3%
> Largest source country: Somalia


© Uriel Sinai / Getty Images
12. Chad
> Total refugees as of 2018: 451,198
> Total population in 2018: 15,477,751
> Share of total population: 2.9%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 3.8%
> Largest source country: Sudan


© Uriel Sinai / Getty Images
11. Congo, Dem. Rep.
> Total refugees as of 2018: 529,045
> Total population in 2018: 84,068,091
> Share of total population: 0.6%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 366.7%
> Largest source country: Rwanda


© Jeff J Mitchell / Getty Images
10. Jordan
> Total refugees as of 2018: 715,293
> Total population in 2018: 9,956,011
> Share of total population: 7.2%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 11.4%
> Largest source country: Syrian Arab Rep.


© Natalie Behring / Getty Images
9. Ethiopia
> Total refugees as of 2018: 903,211
> Total population in 2018: 109,224,559
> Share of total population: 0.8%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 108.1%
> Largest source country: South Sudan


© Photo by Paula Bronstein / Getty Images
8. Bangladesh
> Total refugees as of 2018: 906,635
> Total population in 2018: 161,356,039
> Share of total population: 0.6%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 292.2%
> Largest source country: Myanmar


© 53849189@N03 / Flickr
7. Lebanon
> Total refugees as of 2018: 949,653
> Total population in 2018: 6,848,925
> Share of total population: 13.9%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 10.9%
> Largest source country: Syrian Arab Rep.


© BornaMir / Getty Images
6. Iran, Islamic Rep.
> Total refugees as of 2018: 979,435
> Total population in 2018: 81,800,269
> Share of total population: 1.2%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 14.2%
> Largest source country: Afghanistan


© Sean Gallup / Getty Images
5. Germany
> Total refugees as of 2018: 1,063,765
> Total population in 2018: 82,927,922
> Share of total population: 1.3%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 467.1%
> Largest source country: Syrian Arab Rep.


© Scott Nelson / Getty Images
4. Sudan
> Total refugees as of 2018: 1,078,275
> Total population in 2018: 41,801,533
> Share of total population: 2.6%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 574.5%
> Largest source country: South Sudan


© Jack Taylor / Getty Images
3. Uganda
> Total refugees as of 2018: 1,165,636
> Total population in 2018: 42,723,139
> Share of total population: 2.7%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 428.5%
> Largest source country: South Sudan


© Spencer Platt / Getty Images
2. Pakistan
> Total refugees as of 2018: 1,404,008
> Total population in 2018: 212,215,030
> Share of total population: 0.7%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: -13.1%
> Largest source country: Afghanistan


© Gokhan Sahin / Getty Images
1. Turkey
> Total refugees as of 2018: 3,681,658
> Total population in 2018: 82,319,724
> Share of total population: 4.5%
> Change in refugee population 2013-2018: 503.6%
> Largest source country: Syrian Arab Rep.

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