詩 2020

민들레/배 중진

배중진 2020. 4. 7. 22:58

민들레/배 중진


하찮게 보아왔던 민들레의
방긋 웃는 모습이 눈에 확 들어왔답니다.


어둡던 가슴에 노란색이 각별하게 빛을 발했지요


좌절하지 말라
어려운 시기 다 같이 이겨내라


마음이 어두워지려고 할 때마다
도처에서 밝은 빛으로 안내해줘
길을 잃지 않았습니다
무사하게 행복한 가정으로 돌아올 수 있었습니다


민들레에 감사하지 않을 수가 없습니다
우리의 가슴이 얼마나 황폐해졌는지요
들리는 소식마다 고통이라 많이도 울었지요
작은 미소였지만 큰 힘을 얻었습니다


두려운 터널을 뚫고 나갈 힘이 생겼습니다
조금만 더 가면 밝은 세상을 맞이할 수 있을 겁니다


한국인2020.04.15 17:40 

미국 연방정부에 등록된 NGO인 The World Peace Freedom United가
문재인 대통령, 중국의 시진핑 주석, WHO의 테드로스 사무총장 3인이
인류 평화를 위협하는 범죄행위를 저질렀다고 해서
이들을 국제형사재판소에 제소할 것이라고 하네요.

제 블로그에 관련 자료 올렸습니다.
참 큰 일입니다.


복담2020.04.15 22:17 

반가우신 배중진 선생님
건강은 좋으시겠지요
4월의 싱그러움이 점점 짙어져갑니다
포근한 날씨에 투표도 잘 마치고
지금은 결과가 발표 되고 있답니다
아무튼 투표로 인해 확진자는
더 이상 나오지 않기를 바라며
따뜻해지는 날씨와 함께
코로나도 빨리 사라져갔음 바램입니다
언제나 건강 잘지키며 용기 잃지마시고
생명력 강한 민들레처럼 꿋꿋히 견디어 내시어
웃을 수 있는 그날까지
늘 행복하시고 평안하시길 소원합니다.


Today in History: April 17


© Getty Images

1492: Columbus seeks to be commissioned

A contract was signed by Christopher Columbus and a representative of Spain's King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella, which gave Columbus a commission to seek a westward ocean passage to Asia.


© Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images

1790: Benjamin Franklin dies

The American scientist and statesman died at the age of 84 from ailing health. Franklin, who was
one of the founding fathers of the United States, was mostly noted for his experiments on
electricity and inventions such as bifocals, lightning rods, flexible catheters and the glass harmonica.


© DeAgostini/Getty Images

1895: First Sino-Japanese war ends

Qing China and Meiji Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, which ended the First Sino-Japanese War.
In the treaty China ceded Taiwan to Japan. Approximately 35,000 Chinese soldiers were killed or wounded
in the battle while Japan only lost 5,000 of its fighters and service people. Worse yet, this would not be the
end of tensions. The Second Sino-Japanese War started in 1937, part of the first actions of World War II.


© Bollmoor/Ullstein Bild/Getty Images

1924: MGM Pictures is formed

The motion picture studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was established as the result of a merger of
Metro Pictures, Goldwyn Pictures and the Louis B. Mayer Pictures.


© Moviestore/Shutterstock

1937: Daffy Duck makes his first appearance on TV

Cartoon character Daffy Duck made his debut in the Warner Bros.
animated short 'Porky's Duck Hunt,' directed by Tex Avery.


© SeM/UIG via Getty Images

1941: Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany

During World War II, the Balkan country was pressured into supporting the Axis powers and a deal
was signed in early March. However, the government was overthrown in a nationalist coup and the
Royal Yugoslav Army launched an attack on the Nazis. In retaliation, Germany and its allies invaded
and heavily bombarded the country leading to an armistice being signed in Belgrade. Over 300,000
officers and soldiers were taken prisoners, bringing the resistance against the invading Germans to an end.


© Sovfoto/Universal Images Group/Shutterstock

1961: Bay of Pigs invasion takes place

Bent on overthrowing rebel leader Fidel Castro, who had himself just ousted the US-backed
General Fulgencio Batista, nearly 1,400 CIA-trained Cuban defectors invaded the country.
The attempted counter-coup was a disaster – the invading group was overwhelmed and
surrendered within 24 hours, causing a major embarrassment to the US, who had earlier
denied any role in the attack.


© Bettmann/Getty Images

1964: First woman to fly solo around the world

Geraldine 'Jerrie' Mock, a housewife from Columbus, Ohio, became the first woman to complete
a solo flight around the world in 29 days, 11 hours and 59 minutes. The mother of three children
undertook the journey in Spirit of Columbus, a 1953 Cessna 180 single-engine monoplane,
and the flight landed at Port Columbus Airport.


© Bettmann/Getty Images

1964: Ford Mustang debuts

The Ford Motor Company officially introduced its new car, ‘Mustang’ in New York at the World’s Fair
in Flushing Meadows. On the same day, it debuted in the United States’ Ford showrooms.


© Canadian Press/Shutterstock

1970: Apollo 13 returns to Earth

Apollo 13 astronauts James A. Lovell, Fred W. Haise and Jack Swigert splashed down safely in the Pacific,
four days after a ruptured oxygen tank crippled their spacecraft while en route to the moon.


© Sjoberg/AFP/Getty Images

1975: Phnom Penh falls to Khmer Rouge

The Cambodian capital was captured by the communist regime, leading to the surrender of
government forces and an end to a conflict that started over five years ago. The war had started
in March 1970 after Lt. General Lon Nol ousted Prince Norodom Sihanouk and announced the
formation of the Khmer Republic. It is estimated that nearly 1.5-2 million people lost their lives during
the autocratic and repressive regime that lasted until 1979, when a Vietnamese invasion ended its rule.


© Kevork Djansezian/AP Photo

1996: Menendez Brothers gets life sentence

Erik and Lyle Menendez were sentenced to life in prison without parole for killing their wealthy parents
on August 20, 1989, in their Beverly Hills mansion. Menendez brothers shot their parents, José and
Mary 'Kitty' Menéndez, using 12-gauge shotguns. Lyle was 21 and Erik was just 18 at the time of the crime.


© Michael Walters/PA Images/Getty Images

1999: London nail bombings

A nail-bomb exploded outside a busy supermarket in Brixton, South London and injured more than
45 people. Miraculously, no casualties had been reported but most of the people were seriously
injured because the nails attached around the bomb moved in all directions after explosion.
In the same month, London witnessed two more nail bombings, one on April 24 in the Brick Lane
and another on April 30 at the Admiral Duncan pub in Soho.


© Robert Markowitz/NASA/Getty Images

2012: Space Shuttle Discovery heads to its final resting place

The iconic American space shuttle, atop a 747 NASA Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, took to the skies over
Florida’s Space Coast for the last time. The vessel was subsequently transferred to
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia, on April 19, where it remains on public display.
In its three decades of service, the vessel made 39 voyages into space.


© Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

2013: Fertilizer plant explosion in Texas

The West Fertilizer Company caught fire and exploded, that hugely damaged nearby buildings for
several blocks in every direction in West Texas. The explosion took 15 lives, including firefighters
and first responders. More than 160 were injured.


© Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images

2013: New Zealand legalizes same-sex marriage

New Zealand's parliament legalised same-sex marriage, the first country in the Asia-Pacific region
to do so. Lawmakers approved the Bill, amending the 1955 Marriage Act, despite opposition from
Christian lobby groups. The Bill was passed with a wide majority, with 77 votes in favor and 44 against.


요즈음 같은 시기에는 그 누군가 살며시 찾아와 따스한 미소, 격려의 말 한마디가 그리울 때이지요.
모두 지치고 암울한 심정이어서 금방이라도 울음을 터트릴 지경이니 말입니다. 부활절을 맞이하였지만
이런 부활절은 처음인지라 그저 망연자실하고 있는 좋은 사람들에게 그 누군가 진정으로 나타났으면
하는 바람이랍니다. 즐거운 부활절이 되시기 바랍니다.


Happy Easter Wishes


Wishing you a joyful Easter. May the miracle of Easter brightening your life with love, happiness and joy!


Happy Easter to you and your family. May you enjoy a joyful and lovely Easter holiday.


Sending heartiest wishes on Easter. May you have happiest Easter holiday filled with joy, peace,
and so many Easter eggs.


May the meaning of Easter reflect in your life and you along with your family experience the
renewal of love and happiness!




한국인2020.04.13 17:35 

이제 곧 국회의원 선거가 있네요.
온갖 음모가 난무하는 선거지만
좋은 결과가 있으면 좋겠습니다.

나라가 정말 백척간두의 위기에
처해 가고 있습니다.
하늘이 도우셨으면 좋겠습니다.

늘 건강하고 행복하세요.


복담2020.04.13 20:02 

부활 축하드립니다
부활의 은총으로 늘 행복하시고 건강하시길 소원합니다
치아가 흔들려서 3개월만에 병원에 가느라 길을 나섰는데요
보도블록 사이에 노란 민들레꽃이 군락을 이루며 피어 있더라구요
매연도 심하고 척박한 흙도 없는 블록 사이에 곱게 피어난 민들레꽃을 보면서
작고 연약해 보이는 민들레의 강인함을 바라보고 느꼈습니다,장하다 민들레야
어떤 처지에서도 이쁘게 꽃을 피우는 민들레 꽃만큼 강인하게 살아보자구요
요즘은 미국이 코로나에 제일 피해국이라는 보도가 연일 나옵니다
스페인보다,이태리보다 더 사망자,확진자가 많다고 합니다
좌절하지 마시고 용기 가득 어려움 극복하시면서
저희들도 힘들게 3개월을 지내고 있습니다
용기잃지마시고 마음 든든히 잘 견디시라고
특별히 부탁드리며 기도하겠습니다
늘 건강하시고 힘내세요.


집회를 허용하지 않았던 초기에 우리 성당에 다녀온 적이 있답니다. 과연 어떻게 변했을까 하고.
밖에서 보아서는 아무런 변화를 느낄 수 없었답니다. 어제, 부활절에 집에서 보내려고 했더니
기분이 묘하더군요. CFN-TV를 통해서 경건함 마음을 다질 수 있었으며 영화 벤허까지 시청하면서
예수님을 뵐 수 있었습니다. 한센병까지 깨끗하게 씻어지는 것을 보면서 지금 우리에게 꼭 필요한
기적이 일어났으면 하는 마음 간절했답니다. 일선에서 지친 의사, 간호사 등 모든 분들에게
부활절을 통해 새롭게 마음가짐이 되었으면 한답니다. 사활이 걸린 최전선에서 눈물겨운 사연도
많을 테고 역병의 가공스러움에 치를 떨고 계실 분들이 안전하게 가족의 품으로 돌아갔으면 하네요.
하루빨리 전 세계가 통상의 날로 돌아갔으면 하지요. 더욱 건강에 유의하시기 바랍니다.


지금 코로나바이러스로 고통받고 있고 세상의 모든 것이 정지된 상태라
어제 아무렇지도 않게 행동하던 순간이 그리움으로 다가옵니다. 많은
것을 요구하지도 않고 그저 단순한 것인데도 허용되지 않고 통제를 받으니
더도 말고 덜도 말고 어제 같이만 생활하게 해주십사 갈망한답니다.
인간이 두려움으로 다가오는 것을 허물고 따스한 미소로 안아줄 수
있을까? 그런 시절이 오기나 할는지 감히 두렵습니다.
멋진 시간이 되시기 바랍니다.

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