Saturday, June 7, 2014
A family-favorite!
Bring your camera and join us at Boscobel’s Belvedere, overlooking the Hudson River and its Highlands, bright and early for an up-close (but not too up-close!) snapping turtle presentation.
These prehistoric creatures have been climbing up the banks from Constitution Marsh to Boscobel every spring to lay their eggs. After an informative and engaging display by the experts at Constitution Marsh Audubon Center & Sanctuary, guests are invited on a self-guided search of the grounds to look for egg-laying females. Complimentary donuts, coffee and juice included.
Feel free to bring a chair or blanket.
Kids 6 and under FREE!
For member discount, Friends of Boscobel must show ID at sign-in. See pricing.
CS Farmers' Market attendees may purchase Turtle Walk tickets at the Carriage House.
Special Combo Ticket for National Trails Day!
To celebrate the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day on June 7, enjoy a guided hike and bird watch on Boscobel’s Woodland Trail of Discovery! An educator from the Constitution Marsh Audubon Center & Sanctuary will lead this special hike immediately following the Turtle Walk event at approximately 9am.
Space is very limited; advance ticket purchase recommended.